Results from this weekends handicap singles events are coming in. Draws, etc should be posted in the next few days. (Draw and story posted for Burke, click link below for Wharton & Hickey draws)

Greevy (hdcp 18-24, AIK) Ben Cook def Rick Preston 6/1,6/2

Noll ( hdcp 25-31, AIK) Alex Spence def. Ed Hughes 6/4,6/1

Burke (hdcp 32-38, NPT) Frank Curren def. Arnold Spangler 6/1,6/2

Wharton (hdcp 39-45, PHL) Jordan Krevitz def. Schuyler Wickes 6/2,/62

Hickey (hdcp 45+, WASH) RJ Laukitis def. Anne Partlett 6/3,6/5